Bettie strikes a mean Camel Pose variation on the beach in a Miami shoot with Bunny Yeager!
This Bunny Yeager photo is one of my all-time favorite Bettie pics and poses, a stunning expression of an advanced backbend that displays her incredible strength, balance, and flexibility. For a full-on Bettie-inspired yoga flow, click here to buy the Bettie Page Yoga video on digital download or DVD with collectible photo insert. Meanwhile, take a shot at this gorgeous Camel Pose* with a Bettie twist, or work up to it over time by focusing on getting strong in basic Camel and other backbends first.
Here’s how to bend it like Bettie:
*This is an advanced stretch, especially for the lower back, so move into this pose cautiously. It's best to do this after a warm-up or at the end of a workout.
-From Table pose, bring your right foot forward between your hands for a knee-down lunge. Next, extend and straighten your right leg for a runner’s stretch, keeping your left thigh perpendicular to floor like in Camel Pose.
-Take your hands to your hips to help yourself come up so that your upper body and left thigh are perpendicular to the floor.
-Staying strong and grounded by pressing your feet into the floor, lift your arms straight up and look up between your hands.
-Place your hands behind your head as you arc your chest toward the sky and come further into your backbend. (See Bettie below.)
Bettie in a Camel Pose modification, bottom, and prepping for the pose, top; photos by Bunny Yeager
-Turn toward the right as you extend your right arm back and reach your right hand toward your left heel. Curling your left toes will make it easier to balance as you place your right hand on left heel. (You might start by just reaching in the direction of your heel, and try inching ever closer to it over time until you can touch it.)
-Hold for 3 breaths. Slowly and gently come out of the pose and back into Table before completing on the other side.
Last but not least, check out Jim Silke’s lovely rendition of these two Bunny Yeager photos:
Drawings of Bettie by Jim Silke, based on photos by Bunny Yeager